Thursday, May 3, 2018

Out-of-Sync Cable - Mirror Image

To the right is a picture of how the Out-of-Sync cable would look with its mirror image. It's really easy to flip a photo on a computer, and with many cables it's very easy to flip them in real life.
Suppose the doodle to the left represents a cable. Let's say it's a 20 row repeat. The rows between the red lines, Rows 1 - 20, are exactly the mirror-image of the rows between the green lines. So, a pattern may tell you to start one cable at Row 1 and another with Row 11. You might want to chart or write out both versions just to make it easier to follow, and possible change the directions of some of the cable crosses, but those are really the only complications.

But far be it from me to do anything that straightforward. The Out-of-Sync cable doesn't have that kind of symmetry. The only way to mirror-image it is to flip it around the vertical axis. This can be accomplished by reading right side rows from right to left and then left to right. But this leaves so many opportunities to make mistakes, that I thought it better to make a second chart. Besides, I wanted to change the directions of some of the crosses.

The cables where the knit ribs cross the purl background are identical to the previous chart. The 2 x 2 cables are just front crosses instead of back crosses. The complex crosses in the center again require two cable needles, but this time both are held in back of the work. After two stitches are knit from the left needle, the cable needle with the two knits is moved to the front before the central purl is worked. This keeps the purl behind both knit ribs as it is in the original version.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to finish the Doodle Cable I started to chart. Until next time . . .

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