Thursday, July 13, 2017

Jumbo Golf Club Cover

Family Portrait

The golf club covers were well received but, alas, not big enough for the largest of the clubs. To make the jumbo cover, I used the original pattern, modifying it with ten extra stitches and an extra pair of stripes. Perfect.

I also added a selvedge stitch to make picking up the stitches for the ribbing easier. Not so perfect - - I put it on the gathering edge rather than the ribbing edge. No harm done, of course, but this is why published patterns are test knit. I'm shaking my head at my mistake.

And, oh yeah, I "needed" and bought an even larger pom-pom maker. To speed up the work, I held two strands of yarn together for wrapping the form. It is more difficult to keep the wrapping even but the pom-pom still came out quite well.

I haven't had a request yet for covers for the smaller clubs, so I'm going to try to wrap up the next project I want to share with you. Until then . . .